Rich Paxson

In what ways might God still be active in Creation? How might God involve you in the ongoing work of Creation?

While I don’t know exactly how God might “… still be active in Creation,” I am free to “taste and see” bit.ly/taste_see God’s Creation knowing that Jesus said I am so much a part of God’s Creation that even the (diminishing number of) “… hairs on [my] head are all counted,” bit.ly/hairs_head

According to the news, just yesterday. Scientists found 3.77 billion-year-old fossils containing evidence of life on the earth. Fossil evidence gives us a sense of the distances between moments in geological time and those in our mundane, diurnal lives. And yet, God’s presence compasses both the geological and the ordinary. God’s ongoing work of Creation comprehends all past, present and future moments. Past moments, embedded in the deathless present, inform future creation within the eternal cycle of growth and decay. https://goo.gl/VZXb0A