Reviewers say

Alison’s approach to faith will appeal to those seeking an authentic faith, to doubters who are looking for fresh views, and to those who have survived harmful theologies and church practices.

The Christian Century

James Alison belongs on any short list of the most important living Catholic theologians.

America, the National Catholic Review

I can’t think of another theologian writing today who has me reaching so often to underline a quotable passage, or who finds more surprising depths in familiar Scriptures.

Commonweal Magazine

Religious Leaders Say

This course is what so many of us have been waiting for: a resource for discovering anew the total nonviolence of God and what that means for how we read the Bible and interpret the Cross. Before you design your next children’s or youth program, before you prepare another sermon series, before you give up or give in or check out or fade away… invest a few hours in Jesus the Forgiving Victim and watch your faith be deeply renewed.

Brian McLaren, author/speaker

A remarkable contemporary Catholic thinker

Lord Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury
