Rich Paxson

Peter dreamt about clean and unclean food, which helped him to a profound, personal understanding “… that God shows no partiality but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him”. Reading about Peter in Acts 10 helped me recognize and integrate the need for a self given by the Other “other” rather than the social “other’s” identity, which is built on ‘what I am not’.

Forgiving Victim calls the change from social “other” to Other “other” an anthropological earthquake. I think that for Peter and his followers living out the understanding that “God shows no partiality” is like an ongoing series of psychological aftershocks jarring personal ideas and patterns into line with God’s project in Jesus. These sometimes abrupt adjustments summon me into getting to know Jesus all over again.

I’ve begun rereading ‘Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time’ written by theologian Marcus Borg, who died in 2015. When I finish Borg’s book, then it’s time to read ‘Word Into Silence’ by John Main, which Sheelah recommended early on in my journey here at Forgiving Victim.