Here’s what I’m going to use to promote the course at my church. We’ll use it in bulletins and email communications in January. I plan to start teaching the first week of February.
A Groundbreaking New Course Coming to FCCW
The Forgiving Victim: An adult Christian education course for small groups
Christianity is changing, which is nothing new. Each generation since the first disciples has had to work through what it means to be a follower of Christ in their time and place. The Forgiving Victim, a video course with James Alison, offers an opportunity for Christians to re-imagine what the journey called church will look like over the next generation. In our small groups, with shared meals and conversation, we will work through a central teaching of the early church, that being a Christian is not about “what should I be doing” but about what someone has already done for me before I even knew to ask for it. How can you learn more?
Sunday, January 27: The sermon with a sermon talk back will explore a major theme of the Forgiving Victim course – how Jesus taught us to read Scriptures.
Monday, January 28, 7:00pm to 9:00pm at church: Join Suzanne Ross for an introduction to the course. At this meeting, you will sign up and learn when and where your small group will meet.
Anytime: Visit the course website at to view sample videos from the course and learn more about the curriculum.
For questions or comments, or to sign up right now to participate in a small group, please contact Suzanne Ross at [email protected] or 224-521-2472.