Sheelah, Thank you for your comments, which are much appreciated. I’ve been reading James’s books and other writings for a few years now. I decided to take this course to deepen my understanding of his ideas. And boy, has it ever gripped me in ways both articulate and inarticulate. I am committed to following the discipline of the course structure letting it take me where it will. Generally, I write my lesson responses in the mornings, then returning in the evening or the next day to review and post. Today I wrote a response to The Road to Emmaus video.
“Through whose eyes do you read the Scriptures?”
James talked about “hermeneutic” in the video, which seemed an opaque idea at first, until I remembered that ancient Greek god Hermes is associated with the derivation of the English word hermeneutic. Hermes was the messenger of the gods, courier between divine word and mundane world. While Hermes has receded into myth, interpretation continues as necessary for language today as it was in the ancient world. Just as we are inducted over time into greater understanding and finer practice, so also finding the meaning of life’s quest depends on clear vision founded on true interpretation. Jesus’s loving eyes provide the only true, interpretive hermeneutic opening scripture to guide our lifelong rambles into God’s greater presence.
The sixth-century Irish poem comes to mind – “Be Thou My Vision, O Lord of My Heart” … … …