Rich Paxson

How does God communicate? Where is the evidence of God’s constant reaching towards us in love? I think of the refrain in Leonard Cohen’s ‘Anthem’: “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” In other words, I think God uses any and every event in a person’s life as occasions of communication. They may be ‘lightening bolts,’ but most often I find much subtlety in the experience of God’s communication: small aha’s – now I get it – kinds of experiences. James writes about ‘relaxing into new relationship; a life with God.’ It takes time to listen for the unheard voice, for new moral direction to be apparent, for behaviors to change.

I’m new to this course and this forum too. I’ve been reading Forgiving Victim: Listening for the Unheard Voice for a while. I decided to take the course for access to the videos, and to write here, I guess. Except, I didn’t know about this particular venue. I just knew that I wanted to ‘talk about’ the change I been experiencing through engaging with the book, and other or James’ writings and videos.