
I may be the only person actively going through Module 1 (no new posts since Oct 2014) but here goes anyway:

James talks about Christianity having been thought of as grasping onto a theory about what God has done for us and then acting according to a moral code. Is that what Christianity has been like for you? How or how not?

12 years ago Christianity became a life-changer (even though I am a cradle Catholic but the faith was rarely expressed in the family). So much good news, new material to read, things to do, people to meet, etc. But then I have been struggling the past few years with Where is God now? What is Jesus truly doing with and for me? It seemed that the entire responsibility of the relationship was on me. If I didn’t think/do anything then nothing happened. And that very much meant acting to a moral code; virtues to perfect, bad habits to eradicate, nightly examination of conscience (and in my reflection I rarely could accuse myself of doing anything perfectly), faithfulness to particular acts of piety, etc. I suppose this is truly the nature of the relationship but there had to be a presence outside of myself. The other way was mentally exhausting.