To begin to get inside the disciples’ experience of that reversal, think about the difference between being a dinner party host, and being a guest. When you are the host, what gift or experience do you hope to give to your guests?
Thinking metaphorically, I might describe a host as someone who, first, sets the stage for an improve show and, then, does her level best to get audience members to muster up the confidence to start acting out scenes with her on her stage.
What is the experience of being a guest like?
Continuing with my analogy, I think the guest is someone who feels the pressure of having been invited to perform a scene. The guest must act or the show will flop, and yet the guest must also be mindful not to act inappropriately, e.g. wandering backstage, mistreating props.
How is it different from that of a host?
The best host allows her guests to play important roles. The worst hosts insist that their guests just “watch” and “be awed.”
The best guests are the ones who are responsive to their host’s cues. The worst guests are those who just start up a rote performance of some scene they have played elsewhere—without so much as batting an eye at who and what the host has placed around them.