Rich Paxson

Every so often during the hour between Sunday morning services we have a book study at St. John’s. Eight or ten of us gather ‘round a table to discuss the week’s reading assignment. Currently we’re reading ‘My Church is Not Dying: Episcopalian in the 21st Century.’ http://amzn.to/1GuZfrh

Last Sunday’s topic revolved around personal faith. I introduced ideas into the conversation from ‘Forgiving Victim’: faith as gift; calling to mind the everyday understanding of faith as beginning point for faith in God; and I shared the idea of God speaking from the peripheries of our experience. I used Moses and the burning bush as example, trying very hard not to be pedantic! Although, I did make sure to credit ‘Forgiving Victim’ as the source of the insights I had shared.

Our hour-long conversations are convivial, not academic. We have a faithful group; that is, I think we all trust that what we will encounter in each hour will meet our expectations. And I suspect the gift of this time together broadens each of our expectations. I know it broadens mine, in ways I can’t predict, but which deepen my faith — strengthening my “connection with my creator” – as group member Al is fond of saying!